member, Human Development and Harmony Cluster, Pamayanang SanibLakas ng Pilipinas














3. Deep Ecology and Harmony with Nature

Basic respect and appreciation of and love for the natural environment

Deeper Eco-Spirituality

Comprehension and respect for biodiversity in stability of symbiosis

Comprehension and respect for ecosystems as fragile habitats


  1. Total Human Development and Harmony Through Synergism

  2. Holistic Health Care and Medicine

  3. Deep Ecology and Harmony with Nature 

  4. Sense of History and Sense of Mission

  5. Civics and Democratic Governance

  6. Culture as Community Creativity

  7. Light-Seeking and Light-Sharing Education

  8. Gender Sensitivity, Equality & Harmony

  9. Reconstructive/Restor-ative Justice

10. Associative Economics, Social Capital and Sustainable Development

11. Synergetic Leadership and Organizations

12. Appropriate/Adaptive Technology

13. Mutual Enrichment of Families and Friendships

14. Human Dignity and Human Harmony: Human Rights and Peace

15. Aesthetics Without Boundaries: 'Art from the Heart'   


Why Parents Should Teach
Love for Animals

By Trixie Concepcion

Coordinator for the Philippines, Earth Island Institute; contributor, LightShare Digest; member, SALIKA

Article  appears here as published in LightShare Digest.

TO HELP the Mothers for Mother Nature network (recently transformed into the Ginikanan--Parents for Loving Nature network) organized by the World Environment Day-Philippines Network (WED-Phils), the Sanib-lakas ng mga Aktibong Lingkod ng Inang Kalikasan (SALIKA) asked its member Trixie Concepcion to enumerate reasons why parents, the first educators of the next generation, should be teaching their kids to love animals as part of loving all of Nature. Ms. Concepcion has been an active animal rights advocate. Here’s the list from Trixie:

1) Just like humans, most animals also have mothers. These mothers rear and protect their children even in the face of danger, as is the usual case in the wild.

2) Animals can feel pain, happiness, sadness, depression and some other similar human emotion. They do not show it in the same manner as humans but they do ‘feel’ in many respects.

3) Animals are happiest when they are where they belong (e. g, the dolphins with their pod in the open sea, elephants with their herd in the wild).

4) It is the height of cruelty when wild animals are removed or taken away from their families to serve as amusements for humans. (Note: there are animals that have been domesticated for thousands of years to become human companions such as dogs and cats).

5) When animals are killed en masse or removed in large numbers from their environment, it usually has an effect on that particular environment.

6) All animals have roles in the ecosystem and the delicate balance of life. All animals play a role in nature.

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