member, Human Development and Harmony Cluster, Pamayanang SanibLakas ng Pilipinas














14. Human Dignity and Human Harmony: Human Rights and Peace

Human internal harmony and internal synergy ('innergy') of body, mind, spirit

Human social harmony and synergies in all human dimensions, with commonalities as bonding element and diversity as dynamic factor.

Recognition of universal, inviolable and indivisible Human Rights based on the universality of Human Dignity

Human Dynamic Harmony and Full Respect for Human Rights as requirement of Genuine Peace

  Violence, especially physical, as violation of human dignity of both perpetrator and victim, and the culture of violence as an indicator of lack of human development and an obstacle to any further human development.


  1. Total Human Development and Harmony Through Synergism

  2. Holistic Health Care and Medicine

  3. Deep Ecology and Harmony with Nature 

  4. Sense of History and Sense of Mission

  5. Civics and Democratic Governance

  6. Culture as Community Creativity

  7. Light-Seeking and Light-Sharing Education

  8. Gender Sensitivity, Equality & Harmony

  9. Reconstructive/Restor-ative Justice

10. Associative Economics, Social Capital and Sustainable Development

11. Synergetic Leadership and Organizations

12. Appropriate/Adaptive Technology

13. Mutual Enrichment of Families and Friendships

14. Human Dignity and Human Harmony: Human Rights and Peace

15. Aesthetics Without Boundaries: 'Art from the Heart'   


Light-Sharing for Earnest
Human Conversations

By LightShare

Text developed for Sanib-Sinag” posters to be displayed at all “Chosen” sites and other watering holes and areas where people congregate. “Sanib-Sinag” sessions were being held every Saturday afternoon at Earthlite, 4th floor C.O.D. Bldg., Cubao, Quezon City from May 1999 to April 2004. At the first anniversary session on May 6, 2000, the call was raised to hold these sharings anytime anywhere, “even on the phone.” This has been adopted as the Fifth of the “Seven Flames for Holistic Synergies”

We are forming new ethics, building a healthy new culture,

For earnest human conversations, that would really nurture,

By speaking our truth quietly and clearly, with honest, humility

And listening to others with genuine respect, not generosity,

Thus, we Share the Light of Wisdom carried by separate rays

As reflected by the unique mirrors of our personal experiences,

Rays reflecting the same Great Light of Truth.

We seek to enjoy, as we rarely ever do, our many commonalities,

And seek to be mutually enriched by our dynamic diversities;

Earnest human conversations have no room for ego contests,

For semantics, sarcasm, debates, or single-expert lectures.

Thus, earnest human conversations produce only winners

From lively synergies of minds and hearts, of all, for all.

Let’s all be happily shown that we all have happily shone!

Let’s “Sanib-Sinag” anytime, anywhere, even on the phone!

And marvel how much we all shall have grown!

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Created and

Maintained for

by our 'cyber arm':



 To open the lambat-liwanag  main site,  please click here.



Network for Empower-ing Paradigms

(formed in 2001)

is proud to be a founding member- organization of 

 formalized in its 1st General Assembly last November 15, 2008

click here for info.

For info on these fraternal  organizations

 of KAMALAYSAYAN within the family of


click here




Advocates of Cooperative Education on Synergism

Consumers & Communicators for Truthful Information

Galing-Pilipino Movement

Kaisahan sa Kamalayan sa Kasaysayan

Kaisari Movement for Gender Harmony

Kilusang Kartilya

Kilusang Lakas-Pamayanan

Lambat-Liwanag Net-  work for Empowering Paradigms

LightShare Digest (magazine)

LightShare e-Mail List Group

Living Learnings League

National Economic Protectionism Association

SanibDasal Synergetic InterfaithPraying Comm'ty

SanibLakas ng mga Aktibong Lingkod sa Inang Kalikasan

SanibSigla Movement for Holistic Health

Sanib-Sining Movement for Synaesthetics

SYCONE Humanity

Tambuli ng Dakilang Lahi (magasin)






Keep the Flame of Truth Alive in our Hearts!




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